Thursday 3 November 2011

Website Ideas (Home Page)

  My website is going to be based around the film industry, and therefore would have some background information on upcoming films in Britain and Hollywood, based around people I have invented. The website would be based around the horror genre mainly but would have bits on most genres of film.

  On the home page there would be small sections of articles that were on different pages in a 'What You Might Like' section of the home page. This part would show little quotes from interviews that would get people interested about the article/interview/gossip page e.g. an interview with the director and star of an upcoming film on Mothman, a creature seen in America in the late 60's.

  There would also be a movie gossip page where rumours about upcoming films and what the stars of horror films are doing when they are not on set or at a red carpet event, showing what they are like with their families or wives/husbands. This would be called 'Behind The Blood'.

  There will be a small competition section at the bottom of the page where people can enter the competitions to win the horror DVD's that are newly released, as well as prizes like becoming a red carpet event VIP's or meeting the actors of a horror on set and then tours around the sets.

  The last thing that would be on my homepage is a section of a review of a new film released lately in a section of the website called 'Out Of The Box Office.' This would involve a large picture with another small section of an interview/review next to the picture that links with the picture/film.

The Tabs at the top of the page would be:
Unexplained Life,
Contact Us.

1 comment:

  1. A fabulous start to your website design - you've obviously thought long and hard about how you want it to look. Just be a little careful - you have 2 parts to your site.. horror and the unexplained. The title of the site does not suggest horror - you will need to address this so as not to confuse your audience.
