Thursday 17 November 2011

Survey Results

Unsurprisingly my target audience would be teenagers as teenagers like to be scared with some of the top grossing movies of 2010 being films like Shutter Island, Paranormal Activity 2 and Nightmare On Elm Street. What I didn't expect was for Comedy to be the favourite genre that people watched, so maybe I could include films like 'Shaun Of The Dead' and 'Black Sheep' and other comedy horrors on the channel.

These are the results for my survey for my website.

Most of the people who answered this survey where female.

My target audience would be mainly Under 21 up to 30 years old.

One person who answered the survey lived outside the UK.

Most people who answered this survey also enjoy listening to music.

Action and Comedy were the two top answers.

No-one who answered this survey watches News Channels but most people watch Comedy Channels

The Programming attracts 45% of the people who answered this survey to a channel.

No-one who answered this survey Never watches television.

Most people watches the television for 2-3 hours a day.

Comedy came out as the top result for favourite genre of programming.

Almost 90% of the people who answered read Magazines.

No-one reads magazines on a daily basis.

Reality magazines where the most popular answer for this question.

Interviews and Reviews tied when it came to the top result for favourite features.

Most people do not have subscriptions to magazines.

This was a follow up to the last question.

This question shows that most people buy magazines for the competitions in the magazine.

Just over 70% read newspapers.

Out of everyone who reads magazines most people only read it a 'Few times a week' and 'Once a week'.

Most people who read newspapers read them for the news.

The website with the most answers was 'Facebook'.

Most people go on websites for 'Video streaming' and 'News'.


  1. You need to add an overview of this where you comment on the results and say how they will impact on your website.

    I love your ideas. I think a teen horror channel would be really successful and there is so much room for scope here.

    It should be visually very appealing when its done and opportunities for advertising would be huge. Think about industries/institutions. You will have to do some research into funding, sponsorship etc.

    Mrs Slater

  2. You're doing really well with this Rhys... in fact target is now a B.

    Keep it up !

    Mrs Slater
