Friday 4 November 2011

Newspaper Advert Design

  Below is a picture of my newspaper ad design.

  This shows the main layout of my newspaper ad. Down the left hand side I have put words that correspond the stars all around the advert.

  The image at the top would have to be eye catching otherwise a reader might skip over the advert and not care about it enough to read it or even look at it. The background would be black because it would reflect the mystery of the channel and some people are scared of the dark so it would also reflect their fears. The pictures around the advert would be based on what the programming would be. The picture of a creature seeped in cryptozoology would reflect shows like 'Tales Of The Unexplained' and 'The Monster Hunter'. The criminal shot would reflect 'Inside a Murders Mind' and 'Conversations With a Serial Killer' and the eyes would reflect the mystery of 'What Lies In The Dark?'

  The logo would have to stand out on the black/dark background and this would help the catch the readers eye when they are looking at the advert, so this means the channels name, Unexplained, would have to be bold and have a different and interesting font to reflect the channel on a whole. the colour scheme would have to have mysterious and evil connotations because of the channel being based around the horror genre as well as the paranormal and the supernatural.

1 comment:

  1. A good start to planning... a simple structure of what you're going to include in your advert and your thoughts and ideas on how you can make it visually appealing. Think about where you'd place this advert... who is your target audience..?
    Increase your use of key terms... eg. does your advert follow the codes and conventions of advertising or does it break a few rules?
