Thursday 17 November 2011

Logo for Website

The logo for my website is below and shows the mystery side of the channel.

The bold, red lettering stands out against the smokey background and catches the eye as most of the logo is quite dark.

Films like Frankenstein and Dracula from the early 1930's helped me to decide upon the colour scheme for the logo (black,white and grey) but I wanted red in the logo because it connotes blood and danger which emphasises the horror side of the channel/website.

The smokey background helps to represent mystery and some ominous settings and this reflects the horror films of the 1930's such as Dracula with Bela Lugosi and Frankenstein with Boris Karloff, apart from the red lettering the whole advert shares the colour scheme of the horror fils at the beginning of Hollywood's life, as these horror films where in black and white. This also helps the question marks stand out as the bold, solid shapes is completely different to the wispy clouds behind them. The way they stand out make it seem that they are shadows being cast by something the cannot be seen.

 To get the cloud effect in the background I first had to select which layer I wanted them on, then I clicked on the 'Filter' tab, went down to 'Render' where another list of options appeared at the top of which was a 'Clouds' setting.

The edge of the logo has a dark banner going around it whilst the middle is much brighter, this makes it seem as if someone has shone a torch over the logo in order to make the logo visible and the edge of the logo looks like the blurry edge of a torch beam which adds to the torch idea and shows the darkness is creeping in on you no matter how you ry and escape it. Because of this torch idea, the clouds act more like a thick fog or an eerie mist as it floats in the back of the logo.

1 comment:

  1. You are beginning to demonstrate your technical abilities... keep this up... it's important to show how you've achieved certain effects - well done.
    The 'genre' of the website is certainly beginning to take shape.
