Some websites I have looked at include websites that have channels on Sky, like Dave, Sky One and the BBC.
The BBC website helps me to understand how the advertising on websites can help advertise other things on the channel. This is because it shows previews of their programming on the website on all their other channels.
The BBC homepage will help me because of my idea about making a channel with original programming. Most of last years students though used channels like MTV and Viva as their inspiration for their coursework.
The navigation is easy to follow because on the channels page it makes each channel a different colour and this makes it easier to see which channel is which as each channel has a different target audience, for example BBC Three's target audience would mainly be teenagers because of the all the comedy programmes like Lee Nelson's Well Good Show, Wilfred, Russell Howard's Good News and Family Guy. although
BBC Three also releases programmes like Small Teen, Bigger World and other stories that inform people about different things in the world. But this is unlike BBC Four because that channels target audience is mainly adult with a more expanded knowledge because of the programming which includes The Picture Postcard World.
All the pages in the BBC website are connected by the way the all offer the change for audience and users to watch programmes they have mised, find out about the programmes and even has a link that send users to the Twitter account for BBC Three. The layout is easy to follow as it clearly displays what is new on the site and links users to BBC iPlayer with a bar that can be clicked under what has played on the channel recently. when you click on a link you are taken to the the main page for this show.
This page is eye catching because of the bright colours used at the top of the screen that is above the fold. the blue that is used can be seen as a way of making the programmes name stand out because of the white on a medium shade of blue. underneath that there is a pink banner that has words written in black and white, the white is the page that the user is on at the time. all the font on the page is bold and stands out when compared to the other half of the page that is below the fold.
This half of the page is much simpler as all it is, is facts about the people who are on the show and gives their backstories about their lives and what they did before they were part of the show. The colour scheme is just black writing on a white background, this makes it clearer and easier to read the writing. all in all this page is much easier to understand and take in the relevant information.
The episode guide of 'The Real Hustle' is much like the homepage for it. the top of the page, above the fold, the pink background catches the users eye and keeps their attention while they are reading the page. the black writing on a pink background also helps to attract the users eye. this is a useful idea because the colour scheme help to attract attention from people who are looking at the screen. I feel as though the pages are too similar because they all have the same colour scheme and the same set up for every page as well. On the first few pages I found this interesting but after the third page this layout became boring.
Overall, this is a good analysis of the BBC web site you've looked at. You need to include more detail on the other websites you've chosen to analyse - Dave... and one other?.. in order to improve your grade/mark for this section. Also try to ensure you increase your use of key media terms.