Friday, 16 September 2011

Research and Analysis (Newspaper Ads)

  Channels that are only just starting normally put an advert for their channel in magazines and newspapers.

  This is the newspaper advert for the T.V channel, Viva,  the red and black lettering stands out on the lime green background. the red lettering underneath the word 'Viva' includes the freeview, sky channel, virgin media and the website for the channel. the slogan "up your Viva" became widely know in Britain because of the way it was used in the advert and because of the fact that the slogan was catchy and easy to remember.

  This is a picture of the Sun's newspaper online. This article is about the death of Amy Winehouse in July. it helps to explain that she died from her withdrawal symptoms of not drinking rather than the alcohol or drugs themselves.
  The bold heading and sub-heading stands out and grabs the readers gaze while the picture next to it shows who the article is about, if anyone had missed the main news of her death. The red and white colouring at the top of the page clearly identifies which newspaper is telling the story. The small advert on the side of the page is for the Sun, a website where small business' can get noticed more.

This is an advert for Top Gear Live that was playing at the Excel in London. The advertisement is mainly made up from the Top Gear logo and pictures of cars that are seen on the show. The main bulk of the advert is just words that say the location of the event, what the event will be like and what would happen in the event. the advert would most likely be aimed at teenage to older males. This is because they are the biggest demographic for the Top Gear television programme. The logo instantly captures the readers attention as they are highly likely to know what Top Gear is and the bright yellow 'Live' makes it seem like a special event for fans of the show.


  1. The VIVA advert... to what extent does it follow or break from advertising codes and conventions? It may be a small advert but there is quite a bit you can say about it. Mention audience, text/font, use of colour, reference to web address, channel number etc etc.

  2. Again, your analysis of The Sun is okay but does not complete the brief set (to analyse newspaper advertisements) and you will need to add further detail and increase your use of key media terms in order to get the higher grade.

  3. Top Gear
    In which newspaper did you find this advert? Why would you expect to find it there? Who is the target audience? What advertising techniques have been used to draw in the potential audience? You need to add further detail to show a more in depth analysis.
