Thursday, 29 September 2011

Research and Analysis (Magazines)

   Channels also try to grab a teenage audience by putting an advertisement for their channel in magazines because more teenagers are likely to read a magazine rather than read a newspaper.

  Magazines like newspapers have a printing cost and this is around £800 for a quarter page advertisement. reasons for this may be because a magazine is made from a more glossy paper that is more expensive to buy and produce in bulk because of what material they use for the pages. This is because gloss paper offers high reflective picture, this is perfect if you want to catch peoples attention when they are looking at a magazine. Gloss paper also makes colours stand out more and the page often intensifies the picture quality.

  This advert is aimed at women of a certain age (30+) because it is for a hair dye and was found in Hello Magazine. The woman is represented as glamorous, well groomed and in a steady relationship as she is depicted with a male in the advert. the lighting highlights the hair and puts the woman in the foreground of the picture, the man is only just visible in the background. The slogan, 'the 'touch me' hair colour' is directly in front of the mans hand touching the woman's hair. There is a small picture at the bottom of the advert which shows a colorsilk box with a blonde woman's picture on the box's front, again showing that the product is aimed at women. This is a full page advert meaning that it would easily catch a persons eye when they are flicking through the magazine, but this means that it would have cost a lot of money to buy the advertising space. the plain background is another way of making the woman's hair stand out. this advert conveys the medias view of beauty in this advert, even though the advert is about hair dye.

  The image on the right is for the four hundredth issue of Doctor Who Magazine. This draws in a reader by displaying the number '400' in bold lettering and this, along with the gold writing attracts attention because it stands out against the darker background. The puff on this magazine is the offer of a chance to win a trip to see 'Doctor Who' filmed and also the magazine is giving away. free posters from time to time and in this issue the poster is put on the cover and shows what the poster looks like but on a smaller scale. The cover uses the old doctor who logo as it's masthead to show that this magazine represents the television programme. The main picture shows David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor reading the magazine he is on. The Doctor is represented as sort of a geeky character because of the way he is dressed and the way he looks, making him look very stereotypical. The cover shows the doctor reading the magazine he is on, which shows him reading another copy, etc.  This links with the time travel idea from the show itself.

  Sometimes a channel will have a review in teenage magazines and some reviews take up two pages with pictures and information about the channel/product. Below is an example of a double page spread.

  Both pages are on about something about the music industry, this article is about My Chemical Romance.  It comes from Kerrang Magazine and is an interview that say that they are recording a new album and then the article is surrounded by pictures of the band and their crew as they make the new album.
  The colour scheme of the article is quite dark because this fits with the genre of music that My Chemical Romance produce. There are pictures surrounding the article and some of these have little caption boxes in them. These captions could be funny or help explain to new readers who is in the band. one example of this is the funny caption about the close up picture of the singer in the bottom right corner. It says, "oh no. I've forgotten to lock the bloody front door." This works well because the picture shows the singer of the band in the middle of a note and the way he is holding his head phones makes it look as though he has forgotten something in another part of his life.
  The white banner on the side contain the names of the songs on the album and a breakdown of what is song is like or about and even gives. This stands out because the white clashes with the darker colours that cover the rest of the double page spread.
  The main image in this article is of the singer of My Chemical Romance as he is in the middle of a performance. This image attracts certain people's attention because they could be fans of the band and therefore would be interested with anything to do with the band.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Research and Analysis (Newspaper Ads)

  Channels that are only just starting normally put an advert for their channel in magazines and newspapers.

  This is the newspaper advert for the T.V channel, Viva,  the red and black lettering stands out on the lime green background. the red lettering underneath the word 'Viva' includes the freeview, sky channel, virgin media and the website for the channel. the slogan "up your Viva" became widely know in Britain because of the way it was used in the advert and because of the fact that the slogan was catchy and easy to remember.

  This is a picture of the Sun's newspaper online. This article is about the death of Amy Winehouse in July. it helps to explain that she died from her withdrawal symptoms of not drinking rather than the alcohol or drugs themselves.
  The bold heading and sub-heading stands out and grabs the readers gaze while the picture next to it shows who the article is about, if anyone had missed the main news of her death. The red and white colouring at the top of the page clearly identifies which newspaper is telling the story. The small advert on the side of the page is for the Sun, a website where small business' can get noticed more.

This is an advert for Top Gear Live that was playing at the Excel in London. The advertisement is mainly made up from the Top Gear logo and pictures of cars that are seen on the show. The main bulk of the advert is just words that say the location of the event, what the event will be like and what would happen in the event. the advert would most likely be aimed at teenage to older males. This is because they are the biggest demographic for the Top Gear television programme. The logo instantly captures the readers attention as they are highly likely to know what Top Gear is and the bright yellow 'Live' makes it seem like a special event for fans of the show.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Time-Plan For Coursework

Research and Analysis - 21st October
Website  - 18th September - Done
Newspaper Ad - 23rd September - Done
Listings Magazines - 30th September - Done

Panning - 21st October
Website - 6th October
Newspaper Ad - 14th October
Double Page Spread For Listings Magazine - 20th October

Construction - 16th December
Website - 3rd December
Newspaper Ad - 9th December
Double Page Spread For Listings Magazine - 16th December

Evaluation - 3rd January
Website - 21st December
Newspaper Ad - 24th December
Double Page Spread For Listings Magazine - 30th December

Due to time constraints/ other subjects and other things outside of school, this time plan did not work as well as hoped. This is why the dead line was pushed back to Easter half term.

Research and Analysis (Websites)

  Some websites I have looked at include websites that have channels on Sky, like Dave, Sky One and the BBC.

  The BBC website helps me to understand how the advertising on websites can help advertise other things on the channel. This is because it shows previews of their programming on the website on all their other channels.

  The BBC homepage will help me because of my idea about making a channel with original programming. Most of last years students though used channels like MTV and Viva as their inspiration for their coursework. 

  The navigation is easy to follow because on the channels page it makes each channel a different colour and this makes it easier to see which channel is which as each channel has a different target audience, for example BBC Three's target audience would mainly be teenagers because of the all the comedy programmes like Lee Nelson's Well Good Show, Wilfred, Russell Howard's Good News and Family Guy. although
  BBC Three also releases programmes like Small Teen, Bigger World and other stories that inform people about different things in the world. But this is unlike BBC Four because that channels target audience is mainly adult with a more expanded knowledge because of the programming which includes The Picture Postcard World.

  All the pages in the BBC website are connected by the way the all offer the change for audience and users to watch programmes they have mised, find out about the programmes and even has a link that send users to the Twitter account for BBC Three. The layout is easy to follow as it clearly displays what is new on the site and links users to BBC iPlayer with a bar that can be clicked under what has played on the channel recently. when you click on a link you are taken to the the main page for this show.

 This page is eye catching because of the bright colours used at the top of the screen that is above the fold. the blue that is used can be seen as a way of making the programmes name stand out because of the white on a medium shade of blue. underneath that there is a pink banner that has words written in black and white, the white is the page that the user is on at the time. all the font on the page is bold and stands out when compared to the other half of the page that is below the fold. 

  This half of the page is much simpler as all it is, is facts about the people who are on the show and gives their backstories about their lives and what they did before they were part of the show. The colour scheme is just black writing on a white background, this makes it clearer and easier to read the writing. all in all this page is much easier to understand and take in the relevant information.

  The episode guide of 'The Real Hustle' is much like the homepage for it. the top of the page, above the fold, the pink background catches the users eye and keeps their attention while they are reading the page. the black writing on a pink background also helps to attract the users eye. this is a useful idea because the colour scheme help to attract attention from people who are looking at the screen. I feel as though the pages are too similar because they all have the same colour scheme and the same set up for every page as well. On the first few pages I found this interesting but after the third page this layout became boring.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Research and Planning Beginning

  Today I started looking at the last Year 13's websites so that we knew what we had to do throughout the next few terms. This gave me an idea about what I need to do to get a good final grade.

These showed the difference of the boys and girls in the class because the boys websites tended to be dark and serious keeping to the main points while the girls tended to be full of colour, pictures and this all makes the sites more eye catching.

  It also gave me the idea of what I could do on my website this year. My ideas would be to involve film or music in some way.

I also looked at some existent websites to help me understand what to do.