Friday 3 February 2012

Finishing Website

  Today I finished the website section of the course fully. I made the finishing touches that included adverts for products outside of the website, for example books, television programmes and links to websites like and

  To make the adverts I used Microsoft Publisher, printed them out and took photos of them and then put those photos on my Mac at home, so they would be compatible with the software in school.

  To add the links to my website pages: 

  •   I highlighted the word that would hold the link.

  •   Right clicked for the selections to appear.

  •   Clicked on Create Link

  •   This is when a box appears for you to put the link you want to create.
 So you then put the link in the box and then hit 'OK' at the bottom of the box. this will now take me to a video on Youtube about the beer I'm writing about.

this link takes the user to this video.

  I have also created a link on the picture below, this would then take the user to, the official site for the Whitechapel Murders.

  I found this picture on Google and then added the words on Microsoft Publisher, I then blacked out the face to add more mystery to the figure showing Jack the Ripper in this picture.

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