Tuesday 20 December 2011

Pictures continued

On the Movie Gossip page I have added a poster that I created. But first I did a rough version of the poster in photoshop just so it was easy to find colours and shapes that work instead of going through many pieces of paper at home. This draft is below.

The actual poster is below.

I decided that i would go with a black and white colour scheme because of how dark the story of Berenice is and also because it links to the way Tim Burton filmed Ed Wood and Frankenweenie when he did them.

Friday 16 December 2011

Artist Interpretations and Picture Inspirations

During the course of the work I have use many different pictures to help base my pictures of the creatures on.

Most of these picture ideas came about from me watching television programmes such as Destination Truth (Mothman, Ropen), Conversations with a Serial Killer (Belle Gunness) and Mystery Hunters (Yowie).

For some of these creatures/people I just found pictures of them that already existed and tried to copy them as best as I could. For examples, look below.





I worked with the picture of the statue of the Yowie in Australia as well as Primeval's version of the species Australopithecus, an ancient ape that could walk on two legs which was, supposedly, for the first time in history.



End picture created by trying to take the fierceness of the picture on the left and mixing it with the look of the whole 'creature' in the right picture.

Belle Gunness

I already had this picture in my house so scanned it and cropped to get just the face.


For the Alux though I could not find a picture that anyone had created that looked real so I decided to use the Camobeast from series three of Primeval, mixed with elements of a baboon as my inspiration.

Josh Gates ('Destination Truth' presenter)

 I tried to copy the picture as much as possible, so much that I even went to Ogmore Castle to get the photo, I even went out and filmed an opening based on the 'Destination Truth' opening.

Saudi Blob On Beach / Globsters

                                                                               (Said to be a bloated pufferfish)

(Newfoundland Blob)
(I used a picture of a Jellyfish that was taken in Scotland as it was the closest thing to a blob, or unidentifiable thing, on a beach I could find)

Thursday 1 December 2011