Friday 14 October 2011

Research and Analysis (Survey)

  I have created  survey on the website to ask people about what they think about websites, newspapers, magazines and television channels. This would then help me to understand what people do in their free time and what they like about magazines and what attracts them to other things in the media.
  This link takes you to the survey which has been created to help me understand the required information for the demographic that fill in the survey.

   I chose to do this section because it helps me to see what the demographic for the channel  would be and this would help me to know what programming and content could be on the channel.
  The question here helps me to see which genre is the most popular genre of TV Channel. another way of finding out what the content on the channel could be.  I have also asked about the amount of time people watch TV for, what attracts them to a channel and how often they watch television.

  My idea is to base my website around film stars and new releases, that means that I would have to take my own pictures of people and then use them as minor celebrities in Britain and the mainstream British media.

  Other sections were on magazines, websites and newspapers. These were to find out the information needed for what kind of advertising could be put into other forms of the media such as a double page spread in magazines and a quarter page advert in magazines/newspapers.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Codes And Conventions

  The Codes and Conventions of websites include hyperlinks, words that a user can click on in order to send a user to another page on the website or open another window/tab that can sometimes be part of a different website e.g. the references in Wikipedia pages.

(From the Wikipedia page about Henry Hill, a gangster.)

  Codes and Conventions of newspaper adverts include eye catching images with bright colours that grab a readers attention. These help in getting readers to see what the advert is offering, e.g. a Tescos advert offering low prices on food and goods